House #3 - Concord
Another classic home in Concord. This property was more of a project, and the home's potential was intriguing with its large rooms and sprawling yard. Sometimes it's easier to know your upper limit in a bidding war when you are planning on doing work, since you have to factor in how much the renovations can cost.
- Asking price $1.55M
- 3257 square feet
We offered more than 10% over asking- this time with an inspection for informational purposes. The house had its quirks, and this couple would sleep better knowing an inspector gave his/her blessing.
The call came in hours after the offers were due, and someone had bid well into the $1.8M's with no contingencies at all. Once again, a house sold 18% over asking. Not as much of a disappointment this time around, as the work that the house needed seemed daunting.